
WhatsApp vulnerability allowed hackers to manipulate messages and senders identity

Whatsapp is the popular multimedia messaging platform. There are about 1.5 billion users around the world.

The main reason people use WhatsApp is because of its end-to-end encryption. Even the company is not able to see the message.

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But this claim was smashed Israel company Checkpoint.

Earlier this weekend at a Black Hat security conference held at Lavages, United States checkpoint has demonstrated the vulnerability in WhatsApp.

They have found out three vulnerability in WhatsApp and by using this the hacker can hurt the user.

The hackers can manipulate the content. Not only they can do this to message sent in a personal chat but also in a message sent in a group.

The first flaw is changing the sender's identity. Hackers can create and spread misinformation and easily fool people by making them think that the message is coming from an authentic source. They do this witout even the users knowledge.

Second is by using the third party to change the text of the user reply.

Third is when sending a private message to a group the message is disguised as a public message to be visible to everyone in the conversation.

Ther are 400 million users in India and this platform is used to spread misinformation. Because of this Fake news have caused several problems.

The vulnerability is still not been fully resolved. The Hackers using this vulnerability can spread misinformation and fake news.


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